Quote by Malcolm Bradbury
I like the English. They have the most rigid code of immorality in

I like the English. They have the most rigid code of immorality in the world. – Malcolm Bradbury

Other quotes by Malcolm Bradbury

Only the old are innocent. That is what the Victorians understood, and the Christians. Original sin is a property of the young. The old grow beyond corruption very quickly. – Malcolm Bradbury

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Nation, Nationality, Nationalism

Bulls get rich, bears get rich, but pigs get slaughtered An Irishman is never at his best except when fighting. – Proverb

In every particular state of the world, those nations which are strongest tend to prevail over the others; and in certain marked peculiarities the strongest tend to be the best. – Walter Bagehot

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Society is like a stew. If you dont stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum floats to the top. – Edward Abbey


The foundation of every state is the education of its youth. – Diogenes


It is past time for women to take their rightful place, side by side with men, in the rooms where the fates of peoples, where their childrens and grandchildrens fates, are decided. – Hillary Clinton
