Quote by Salma Hayek
If a man lets all of my dogs sleep in the bed with us, then that i

If a man lets all of my dogs sleep in the bed with us, then that is the most romantic thing. You must love my dogs in order to love me. A man who is nice to my animals and doesnt shoo them away – well, thats the height of romance. – Salma Hayek

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And I highly recommend for all the women in the world, even if theyre 71, you can never take for granted that he loves you. Its always good to flirt with him. Its a great sport. – Salma Hayek

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I didnt think marriage worked. I thought everybody who was married was secretly miserable – that it was something they just put up with for their children. – Salma Hayek

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Im very romantic. Ive emptied flower shops. – Bob Hoskins


In terms of romantic films, all-time romantic films, I really like Gone With the Wind. And I realize I sound so cliched saying that, but theres something so absolutely romantic about it. – Freida Pinto


I confess I am a romantic. I love romance, and I think its really fun and delicious and some of my favorite films are love stories. I think that you just get a chance to fall in love with the characters so much and you get to explore their lives so deeply. – Rachel McAdams


Im a feminist, but I think that romance has been taken away a bit for my generation. I think what people connect with in novels is this idea of an overpowering, encompassing love – and it being more important and special than anything and everything else. – Emma Watson


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