It is less of a problem to be poor, than to be dishonest. - Americ

It is less of a problem to be poor, than to be dishonest. – American Indian Proverb

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Proverbial Wisdom

The coward shoots with shut eyes. – American Indian Proverb

I have been to the end of the earth,
I have been to the end of the waters,
I have been to the end of the sky,
I have been to the end of the mountains,
I have found none that are not my friends. – American Indian Proverb

Force, no matter how concealed, begets resistance. – American Indian Proverb

A rocky vineyard does not need a prayer, but a pick axe. – American Indian Proverb

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On the fourth day of telecommuting, I realized that clothes are totally unnecessary. – Scott Adams, "Dilbert"


To do a common thing uncommonly well brings success. – Henry J. Heinz
