Quote by Dan Rather
Now, I know you expected me to say that, well, I just kick back in

Now, I know you expected me to say that, well, I just kick back in the rocking chair, fished a little bit, listened to Willie Nelson tapes and watched old baseball games on the Classic Sports network. And, tell you the truth, I have done that for maybe about five total minutes. – Dan Rather

Other quotes by Dan Rather

This much we know: Journalism is not a precise science. Its, on its best day, is a crude art. We make mistakes I make mistakes. With more than 50 years as a journalist, I have at least had the opportunity to blow more stories, make more mistakes than maybe anybody in television. – Dan Rather

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But we cannot rely on memorials and museums alone. We can tell ourselves we will never forget and we likely wont. But we need to make sure that we teach history to those who never had the opportunity to remember in the first place. – Dan Rather

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I grew up playing sports, but now I feel like I cant, because if I get injured, Ill impair whatever film Im working on. – Ellen Page


Hes going to be around a long, long time, if his body holds up. Thats always a concern with a lot of players because of how much they play. A lot of guys cant handle it. But it looks like he can. – Jack Nicklaus


When youre a kid growing up, and you think youre gay, you know that youre different youre often teased and it can really destroy your self-esteem. But sports can be great for building self-esteem. – Greg Louganis


Thats the biggest problem with boxing in the United States. They do not promote it like they used to, when it used to be Howard Cosell and they showed it on Wide World of Sports. Everybody knew all the fighters. Everybody was looking forward to the year when the Olympics came on. – Evander Holyfield


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