Jumping for joy is good exercise. – Author Unknown
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The path I am trying so hard to follow is in fact the one that God my Father and His Son Jesus Christ want me to pursue. It has brought me deep happiness. – Clayton Christensen
Work and live to serve others, to leave the world a little better than you found it and garner for yourself as much peace of mind as you can. This is happiness. – David Sarnoff
An order of government, established by such an all-wise, powerful being, must be good and perfect, and must be calculated to promote the permanent peace, happiness, and well-being of all his subjects. – Orson Pratt
I dont know why my smile has become a signature pose. I think its a nice change. I think people want to see happiness, so a smile is what can bring that. I didnt make it my trademark on purpose. – Arizona Muse
Im definitely bicoastal, but I have to say, its easier to live in New York than in L.A. I feel like people respect other peoples space a bit more here. – Mary-Kate Olsen