It has been said that the immortality of the soul is a grand peut-tre –but still it is a grand one. Everybody clings to it –the stupidest, and dullest, and wickedest of human bipeds is still persuaded that he is immortal. – Lord (George Gordon) Byron
Every idea is endowed of itself with immortal life, like a human being. All created form, even that which is created by man, is immortal. For form is independent of matter: molecules do not constitute form. – Charles Baudelaire
The belief in immortality has always seemed cowardly to me. When very young I learned that all things die, and all that we wish of good must be won on this earth or not at all. – Anne Smedley
You know for many elected officials they all started in the same place. You know marriage is between a man and a woman, but they understand that they are moving inevitably, catching up to the American public. – James McGreevey
I close my eyes, then I drift away, into the magic night I softly say. A silent prayer, like dreamers do, then I fall asleep to dream my dreams of you. – Roy Orbison