Quote by John Podhoretz
The idea that the rest of the world was somehow being held hostage

The idea that the rest of the world was somehow being held hostage by the Arab-Israeli conflict once had a minimal basis in reality. In the first 20 years of Israels existence, every Arab country was in an active state of war with the Jewish state. – John Podhoretz

Other quotes by John Podhoretz

Your race and gender dont change, but you can choose to change your political affiliation at will. – John Podhoretz

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Romney is right that the Obama vision is too centered on government. But his is too centered on the promotion of business and wealth creation at the expense of everything else. – John Podhoretz

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The attack on ObamaCare was that Congress does not have the power under the Commerce Clause to force a private citizen into a private contractual relationship. If such a thing is permitted to stand, the anti-ObamaCare forces argue, there will be no limit to Congresss power in the future. – John Podhoretz

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I was going to be a great woman novelist. Then the war came along and I think its hard for young people today, dont you, to realize that when World War II happened we were dying to go and help our country. – Julia Child


A man will go to war, fight and die for his country. But he wont get a bikini wax. – Rita Rudner


War is regarded as nothing but the continuation of state policy with other means. – Karl Von Clausewitz


The war we have to wage today has only one goal and that is to make the world safe for diversity. – U Thant


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