Man uses his intelligence less in the care of his own species than he does in his care of anything else he owns or governs. – Abraham Meyerson Category: Humankind
God has given a great deal to man, but man would like something from man. – Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated from Spanish by W.S. Merwin Category: Humankind
Constructive criticism is about finding something good and positive to soften the blow to the real critique of what really went on. – Paula Abdul Category: positive
I think an education is beneficial, but whether it takes an education to be successful in the arts is a whole other question. – Isaiah Mustafa Category: Education
The little white goatee that stuck out from the side of his chin was as crooked as his temper. – Margaret Sutton Briscoe, “The Price of Peace,” Jimty, and Others, 1897 Category: Mustaches