Quote by Eugene Field
All human joys are swift of wing, For heaven doth so allot it; Tha

All human joys are swift of wing, For heaven doth so allot it; That when you get an easy thing, You find you havent got it. – Eugene Field

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Joy, Excitement

With coarse rice to eat, with water to drink, and my bent arm for a pillow — I have still joy in the midst of all these things. – Confucius

Joy, Excitement

Unexplained joy is always so keen that… it seems to hold enough to reconcile one to the inevitable. – Jessie B. Fremont

Joy, Excitement

Happy is the person who not only sings, but feels Gods eye is on the sparrow, and knows He watches over me. To be simply ensconced in God is true joy. – Alfred A. Montapert

Joy, Excitement

He who binds to himself a joy doth the winged life destroy. But he who kisses the joy as it flies lives in Eternitys sunrise. – William Blake

Joy, Excitement

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