Quote by George Harrison
Ive heard that while the show was on there were no reported crimes

Ive heard that while the show was on there were no reported crimes, or very few. When The Beatles were on Ed Sullivan, even the criminals had a rest for ten minutes. – George Harrison

Other quotes by George Harrison

Ill give up this sort of touring madness certainly, but music-everything is based on music. No, Ill never stop my music. – George Harrison

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Try to realize its all within yourself no one else can make you change, and to see youre only very small and life flows on within you and without you. – George Harrison

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Other Quotes from
Beatles, The

I thought of nothing else but rock n roll; apart from sex and food and money–but thats all the same thing, really. – John Lennon

Beatles, The

Mr. and Mrs. McCartney are vegans, and what they stand for is the complete elimination of the killing of anything that is breathing. – Danny Williams

Beatles, The

The Beatles, Paul, John, George and Ringo have done more for the fall of Communism than any other western institution. – Artemy Troitsky

Beatles, The

I realized that kids everywhere go for the same stuff; and seeing as wed done it in England, theres no reason why we couldnt do it in America too. – John Lennon

Beatles, The

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