Quote by Lennart Nilsson
I have many times thought I did the wrong thing, but the reason wa

I have many times thought I did the wrong thing, but the reason was not to be a medical doctor – it was just to have the information. But then, maybe I was wrong, I dont know. – Lennart Nilsson

Other quotes by Lennart Nilsson

And my real enemy is not to hold the specimen sterile, but its the lighting. The light is our real enemy. So we have to work with very very poor lighting. But we can increase the light with computers. – Lennart Nilsson

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Thats the new way – with computers, computers, computers. Thats the way we can have the cell survive and get some new information in high resolution. We started about five years ago and, today, I think we have reached the target. – Lennart Nilsson

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I have the instruments, ideas, technology, computer techniques. We try to create or see something, which has not been known before – just to discover something together. This is always my dream. – Lennart Nilsson

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Charge forward with hope and get the best medical advice you can. Talk to your friends, neighbors, family, and together you attack it. We cant always control what happens to us, but we can always control how we react to it. – Robert Urich


With tens of thousands of patients dying every year from preventable medical errors, it is imperative that we embrace available technologies and drastically improve the way medical records are handled and processed. – Jon Porter


I unfortunately had a lot of medical procedures throughout my life, so I decided to paint all of my surgeries as a way to heal and as a way to grow. – Paz de la Huerta


Pharmaceutical companies will soon rule the world if we keep letting them believe that we are a happy, functional society so long as all the women are on Prozac, all children on Ritalin, and all men on Viagra. – Terri Guillemets, “Getting by with a little help,” 1998


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