She discovered with great delight that one does not love ones children just because they are ones children but because of the friendship formed while raising them. – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Friendship is a pretty full-time occupation if you really are friendly with somebody. You cant have too many friends because then youre just not really friends. – Truman Capote
I am about courting a girl I have had but little acquaintance with. How shall I come to a knowledge of her faults, and whether she has the virtues I imagine she has? Answer. Commend her among her female acquaintances. – Benjamin Franklin
The reason was the failure of both Japan and China to understand each other and the inability of America and the European powers to sympathize, without prejudice, with the peoples of East Asia. – Hideki Tojo
Dracos not really a bully. Hes not exactly the biggest, strongest guy in the world. Hes more a rich, snobby person. He thinks of himself as really cool. – Tom Felton
Meditation is not something that should be done in a particular position at a particular time. It is an awareness and an attitude that must persist throughout the day. – Annamalai Swami