Quote by John Moore
He who hasnt hacked assemply language as a youth has no heart. He

He who hasnt hacked assemply language as a youth has no heart. He who does as an adult has no brain. – John Moore

Other quotes by John Moore

Wherever man has left his footprint in the long ascent from barbarism to civilization we will find the hoofprint of the horse beside it. – John Moore

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Computers :: Programs & Programm

Real programmers dont work from 9 to 5. If any real programmers are around at 9am its because they were up all night. – Tom Van Vleck

If we can dispel the delusion that learning about computers should be an activity of fiddling with array indexes and worrying whether X is an integer or a real number, we can begin to focus on programming as a source of ideas. – Harold Abelson

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