The handwriting on the wall means the grandchildren found the cray

The handwriting on the wall means the grandchildren found the crayons. – Author Unknown

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Crayons & Colors

Life is about using the whole box of crayons. – RuPaul

I love crayons—especially new crayons with no broken tips. I love how they smell—and how smooth they feel between my fingers. I love imagining what marvelous pictures the crayons will create. But what I love most of all are the colors—so many colors. – Mary Wince

Artists can color the sky red because they know it’s blue. Those of us who aren’t artists must color things the way they really are or people might think we’re stupid. – Jules Feiffer

No things could seem further apart than the doubt of grey and the decision of scarlet. Yet grey and red can mingle, as they do in the morning clouds… – G.K. Chesterton, Alarms and Discursions, “The Glory of Grey”

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Tact is the art of making guests feel at home when thats really where you wish they were. – George E. Bergman

As by some might be saide of me: that here I have but gathered a nosegay of strange floures, and have put nothing of mine unto it, but the thred to binde them. Certes, I have given unto publike opinion, that these borrowed ornaments accompany me; but I meane not they should cover or hide me… – Michel de Montaigne, “Of Phisiognomy,” translated by John Florio; commonly moder


Im not into organized religion. Im into believing in a higher source of creation, realizing were all just part of nature. – Neil Young


This mess is a place! – Author Unknown
