Groups of people are like a massive Rock, Paper, Scissors war. – Daniel, @blindedpoet
Melancholic madness strapped to your chest and you have no way of releasing the fear. – Daniel, @blindedpoet
Groups of people are like a massive Rock, Paper, Scissors war. – Daniel, @blindedpoet
Melancholic madness strapped to your chest and you have no way of releasing the fear. – Daniel, @blindedpoet
Even on cloudy days the sun waits to break through. – Daniel, @blindedpoet
Smiles escape from clouds above and angels ring a chorus of your love. – Daniel, @blindedpoet
When we look on the characters of man and woman, we cannot but perceive that neither is perfect by itself, but that each needs the other for its perfection…. Hence the one must be softened by tender emotions, and the other strengthened by firmness. – Frederick A. Rauch, Psychology; or, A View of the Human Soul: Including Anthropo