The way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas, and throw the bad ones away. – Linus Pauling
Facts are the air of scientists. Without them you can never fly. – Linus Pauling
The way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas, and throw the bad ones away. – Linus Pauling
Facts are the air of scientists. Without them you can never fly. – Linus Pauling
The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas. – Linus Pauling
Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them. – Linus Pauling
An idea must not be condemned for being a little shy and incoherent; all new ideas are shy when introduced first among our old ones. We should have patience and see whether the incoherency is likely to wear off or to wear on, in which latter case the sooner we get rid of them the better. – Samuel Butler