Ghosts never appear on Christmas Eve. - English proverb [M. Aislab

Ghosts never appear on Christmas Eve. – English proverb [M. Aislabie Denham, W. Carew Hazlitt, mid-1800s —tε&

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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, and the tree blazed with lights. – Amy Campbell, “Christmas Eve,” 1872 [a little altered —tεᖇ&#551

Christmas Eve

Were we any different? I think not, papa; for I recollect very well that I used to try to peep through the key-hole on Christmas Eve, and was greatly vexed that my good mother always hung a cloth before it. – C.C. Shackford, “Christmas Eve in Germany,” c.1870, from the German

Christmas Eve

Why is Christmas Eve such a happy day? I say a little hymn about happy, happy Christmas. – Amy Campbell, “Christmas Eve,” 1872

Christmas Eve

It is Christmas Eve, and the fairies come to good children and bring them gingerbread. – C.C. Shackford, “Christmas Eve in Germany,” c.1870, from the German

Christmas Eve

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