Quote by Ezra Pound
Any general statement is like a check drawn on a bank. Its value d

Any general statement is like a check drawn on a bank. Its value depends on what is there to meet it. – Ezra Pound

Other quotes by Ezra Pound

The Image is more than an idea. It is a vortex or cluster of fused ideas and is endowed with energy. – Ezra Pound

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What matters is not the idea a man holds, but the depth at which he holds it. – Ezra Pound

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The real trouble with war (modern war) is that it gives no one a chance to kill the right people. – Ezra Pound

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Generalize, Generalizations

We are more prone to generalize the bad than the good. We assume that the bad is more potent and contagious. – Eric Hoffer

A sweeping statement is the only statement worth listening to. The critic without faith gives balanced opinions, usually about second-rate writers. – Patrick Kavanagh

To generalize is to be an idiot. To particularize is the alone distinction of merit. General knowledge are those knowledge that idiots possess. – William Blake

Generalization is necessary to the advancement of knowledge; but particularly is indispensable to the creations of the imagination. In proportion as men know more and think more they look less at individuals and more at classes. They therefore make better theories and worse poems. – Thomas Babington Macaulay

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