Misfortune seldom intrudes upon the wise man; his greatest and highest interests are directed by reason throughout the course of life. – Epicurus Category: Fortune
People will ignore their misfortunes and their interests when they are in competition with their pleasures. – Proverb Category: Fortune
Fortune has something of the nature of a woman. If she is too intensely wooed, she commonly goes the further away. – Charles V Category: Fortune
I will be really happy once I have done my jail time. I can start fresh. – Nicole Richie Category: movingon
The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most. – John Ruskin Category: Color
Where the flag of truth waves unfurled, there you will find superstition waiting in ambush. – Platen Category: Superstition
So we just hope that all of these governors who are grappling will be able to provide the basic services to our citizens and not have to cut things that really are painful. – Jennifer Granholm Category: Hope