Quote by Elizabeth Hardwick
The fifties -- they seem to have taken place on a sunny afternoon

The fifties — they seem to have taken place on a sunny afternoon that asked nothing of you except a drifting belief in the moment and its power to satisfy. – Elizabeth Hardwick

Other quotes by Elizabeth Hardwick

The greatest gift is a passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. It is a moral illumination. – Elizabeth Hardwick

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Letters are above all useful as a means of expressing the ideal self; and no other method of communication is quite so good for this purpose. In letters we can reform without practice, beg without humiliation, snip and shape embarrassing experiences to the measure of our own desires… – Elizabeth Hardwick

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Mothers born on relief have their babies on relief. Nothingness, truly, seems to be the condition of these New York people. They are nomads going from one rooming house to another, looking for a toilet that functions. – Elizabeth Hardwick

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Other Quotes from
Twentieth Century

We stand today on the edge of a new frontier — the frontier of the 1960s, a frontier of unknown opportunities and perils, a frontier of unfulfilled hopes and threats. The new frontier of which I speak is not a set of promises — it is a set of challenges. – John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Our civilization survives in the complacency of cowardly or malignant minds — a sacrifice to the vanity of aging adolescents. In 1953, excess is always a comfort, and sometimes a career. – Albert Camus

All that Swinging Sixties nonsense, we all thought it was pass? at the time. – David Bailey

The real passion of the twentieth century is servitude. – Albert Camus

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