A fifth point concerning nonviolent resistance is that it avoids n

A fifth point concerning nonviolent resistance is that it avoids not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. The nonviolent resister not only refuses to shoot his opponent but he also refuses to hate him. – Martin Luther King,Jr., Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story, 1958

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Martin Luther King Day

If a man is called a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and Earth will pause to say, Here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well. – Martin Luther King,Jr.

We need not join the mad rush to purchase an earthly fallout shelter. God is our eternal fallout shelter. – Martin Luther King,Jr., Strength to Love, 1963

Each of us is something of a schizophrenic personality, tragically divided against ourselves. – Martin Luther King,Jr., Strength to Love, 1963

Without denying the value of scientific endeavor, there is a striking absurdity in committing billions to reach the moon where no people live, while only a fraction of that amount is appropriated to service the densely populated slums. – Martin Luther King,Jr., Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?, 1967

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