A fifth point concerning nonviolent resistance is that it avoids n

A fifth point concerning nonviolent resistance is that it avoids not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. The nonviolent resister not only refuses to shoot his opponent but he also refuses to hate him. – Martin Luther King,Jr., Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story, 1958

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Martin Luther King Day

Millions of citizens are deeply disturbed that the military-industrial complex too often shapes national policy, but they do not want to be considered unpatriotic. – Martin Luther King,Jr., Strength to Love, 1963

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. – Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality. – Bishop Desmond Tutu

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If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress? – Author Unknown

Election Day

Hate is the consequence of fear we fear something before we hate it a child who fears noises becomes a man who hates noise. – Cyril Connolly


The class distinctions proper to a democratic society are not those of rank or money, still less, as is apt to happen when these are abandoned, of race, but of age. – W. H. Auden


The mind is what it thinks. To make it true, think true. – Nisargadatta Maharaj
