I feel that any form of so called psychotherapy is strongly contra

I feel that any form of so called psychotherapy is strongly contraindicated for addicts. The question Why did you start using narcotics in the first place? should never be asked. It is quite as irrelevant to treatment as it would be to ask a malarial patient why he went to a malarial area. – William S. Burroughs

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Recovery (addiction/alcoholism)

My case is a species of madness, only that it is a derangement of the Volition, and not of the intellectual faculties. – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

In this country, dont forget, a habit is no damn private hell. Theres no solitary confinement outside of jail. A habit is hell for those you love. And in this country its the worst kind of hell for those who love you. – Billie Holiday

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As great scientists have said and as all children know, it is above all by the imagination that we achieve perception, and compassion, and hope. – Ursula K. Le Guin
