Fatalism is the lazy mans way of accepting the inevitable. – Natalie Clifford Barney
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Voluptuaries, consumed by their senses, always begin by flinging themselves with a great display of frenzy into an abyss. But they survive, they come to the surface again. And they develop a routine of the abyss: Its four o clock. At five I have my abyss… – Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
Resignation, not mystic, not detached, but resignation open-eyed, conscious, and informed by love, is the only one of our feelings for which it is impossible to become a sham. – Joseph Conrad
I dont go to Mass every day. But I go to church every day. Just sitting there, thinking – its a great way to start the morning, you know? You feel so good coming out, and your approach to everything is suddenly really clear. – Mark Wahlberg
Find a good teacher, as I found for my sons. I feel the worst thing you can do is to try and teach your own children yourself, because there is a natural rebellion that occurs. – Keith Emerson