Quote by Stella McCartney
I am a fashion designer. Im not an environmentalist. When I get up

I am a fashion designer. Im not an environmentalist. When I get up in the morning, number one Im a mother and a wife, and number two I design clothes. So the main thing I need to do is create, hopefully, exquisitely beautiful, desirable objects for my customer. – Stella McCartney

Other quotes by Stella McCartney

Im incredibly sad that my mothers not here to see my kids and that my kids dont get to know her. And she didnt meet my husband. Thats one of the hardest things. I dont even know how to put that into words. – Stella McCartney

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I literally have meetings at eight oclock in the morning, and I finish at nine oclock at night. It sounds pathetic, but I dont even have time to go shopping. – Stella McCartney

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The beliefs I was raised with – to respect animals and to be aware of nature, to understand that we share this planet with other creatures – have had a huge impact on me. – Stella McCartney

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Initially, it was the unpractical in fashion that brought me to design my own line. I felt that it was much more attractive to cut clothes with respect for the living, three-dimensional body rather than to cover the body with decorative ideas. – Jil Sander


But active programming consists of the design of new programs, rather than contemplation of old programs. – Niklaus Wirth


Well, yes, I mean, I think that, you know, my sources suggest that theres a lot of support for the notion that there is a lot of Koran abuse and that it was very much a systematic design, not just an aberration. – Jane Mayer


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