Quote by Max Lucado
Each one of us should lead a life stirring enough to start a movem

Each one of us should lead a life stirring enough to start a movement. – Max Lucado

Other quotes by Max Lucado

There is a time for risky love. There is a time for extravagant gestures. There is a time to pour out your affections on one you love. And when the time comes – seize it, dont miss it. – Max Lucado

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Other Quotes from
Dare To Be Great!

The best helping hand that you will ever receive is the one at the end of your own arm. – Fred Dehner

There is no need to reach high for the stars. They are already within you — just reach deep into yourself! – Terri Guillemets

You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. – Michael Jordan

Put on your dream hat and dance all the way to success! – Terri Guillemets

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