Quote by Mervyn Peake
Each day I live in a glass room unless I break it with the thrusti

Each day I live in a glass room unless I break it with the thrusting of my senses and pass through the splintered walls to the great landscape. – Mervyn Peake

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Reason is the cause of our falsification of the evidence of the senses. In so far as the senses show becoming, passing away, change, they do not lie. – Friedrich Nietzsche


The senses do not deceive us, but the judgment does. – Johann von Goethe


Taste is only to be educated by contemplation, not of the tolerably good but of the truly excellent. I therefore show you only the best works; and when you are grounded in these, you will have a standard for the rest, which you will know how to value, without overrating them. – Johann von Goethe


The five senses are horse sense, innocence, common sense, concupiscence, and nonsense. – Source Unknown


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