My dad was the district attorney of New Orleans for about 30 years

My dad was the district attorney of New Orleans for about 30 years. And when he opened his campaign headquarters back in the early 70s, when I was 5 years old, my mother wanted me to play the national anthem. And they got an upright piano on the back of a flatbed truck and I played it. – Harry Connick, Jr.

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I inherited that calm from my father, who was a farmer. You sow, you wait for good or bad weather, you harvest, but working is something you always need to do. – Miguel Indurain


If anybody had a reason to become a delinquent, to become a criminal, to be angry at the man, to be angry at the white man, to be angry at America, its my dad, but he did not feel that way at all. – Larry Elder


The only time I ever look good dancing is if Im next to my dad at a wedding. – Cat Deeley


Ive just got crap hair. Although I inherited a lot of stuff from my dad, including giant knees, I didnt get his good, thick hair. I got my mothers thin, wispy, non-event hair instead. – Jenny Eclair


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