We do not consecrate the flag by punishing its desecration, for in

We do not consecrate the flag by punishing its desecration, for in doing so we dilute the freedom that this cherished emblem represents. – Justice William J. Brennan, for the Majority US Supreme Court Decision, 3 July 1

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Flag Day

It is the flag just as much of the man who was naturalized yesterday as of the men whose people have been here many generations. – Henry Cabot Lodge

Flag Day

We take the stars from heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity, representing our liberty. – George Washington, attributed

Flag Day

The whole inspiration of our life as a nation flows out from the waving folds of this banner. – Author Unknown

Flag Day

That piece of red, white and blue bunting means five thousand years of struggle upwards. It is the full-grown flower of ages of fighting for liberty. It is the century plant of human hope in bloom. – Alvin Owsley

Flag Day

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