Charlatanism of some degree is indispensable to effective leadership. – Eric Hoffer
Man was natures mistake she neglected to finish him and she has never ceased paying for her mistake. – Eric Hoffer
Charlatanism of some degree is indispensable to effective leadership. – Eric Hoffer
Man was natures mistake she neglected to finish him and she has never ceased paying for her mistake. – Eric Hoffer
With some people solitariness is an escape not from others but from themselves. For they see in the eyes of others only a reflection of themselves. – Eric Hoffer
Intolerance is the Do Not Touch sign on something that cannot bear touching. We do not mind having our hair ruffled, but we will not tolerate any familiarity with the toupee which covers our baldness. – Eric Hoffer
The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. This myth asserts that people simply either have certain charismatic qualities or not. Thats nonsense in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born. – Warren G. Bennis
Weve been sitting at the compromise table for a long time. Were just waiting for that cold chair to be warmed up by the Republican leadership. They still have time to do the right thing and be responsible. They just seem to be moving further and further away from it. – Debbie Wasserman Schultz