

Worry is a misuse of imagination. – Dan Zadra

Troubles are a lot like people — they grow bigger if you nurse them. – Author Unknown

Never bear more than one kind of trouble at a time. Some people bear three — all they have had, all they have now, and all they expect to have. – Edward Everett Hale

That the birds of worry and care fly over you head, this you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent. – Chinese Proverb

Worry ducks when purpose flies overhead. – Terri Guillemets

Worry is an addiction that interferes with compassion. – Deng Ming-Dao

You can never worry your way to enlightenment. – Terri Guillemets

Worry trades the joy of now for the unlikely catastrophes of later. – Tim Fargo

I refuse to be burdened by vague worries. If something wants to worry me, it will have to make itself clear. – Robert Brault,

Anxiety is a deep conscious breath away from dissolving. – Mike Dolan, @HawaiianLife

I have learned to live each day as it comes, and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. It is the dark menace of the future that makes cowards of us. – Dorothy Day

I highly recommend worrying. It is much more effective than dieting. – William Powell

Worry is a prayer for chaos. – Gabrielle Bernstein, Add More -ing To Your Life, 2011

We have to fight them daily, like fleas, those many small worries about the morrow, for they sap our energies. – Etty Hillesum

Worry is just curdled energy! – Henie Reisinger

There are people who are always anticipating trouble, and in this way they manage to enjoy many sorrows that never really happen to them. – Josh Billings

Worry bankrupts the spirit. – Terri Guillemets

There is always sufficient reason for despair, but there is never sufficient purpose. – Robert Brault,

When we have nothing to worry about we are not doing much, and not doing much may supply us with plenty of future worries. – Chinese Proverb

Worry gives a small thing a big shadow. – Swedish Proverb