

After all there is something about a wedding-gown prettier than in any other gown in the world. – Douglas William Jerrold

The bride and groom — May their joys be as bright as the morning, and their sorrows but shadows that fade in the sunlight of love. – Minna Thomas Antrim, A Book of Toasts, 1902

There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage. – Martin Luther

Marriage: that I call the will of two to create the one who is more than those who created it. – Friedrich Nietzsche

When the one man loves the one woman and the one woman loves the one man, the very angels desert heaven and come and sit in that house and sing for joy. – The Brahma Sutras

There is no such cozy combination as man and wife. – Menander

One of the best things about marriage is that it gets young people to bed at a decent hour. – M.M. Musselman

[Marriage] …the deep, deep peace of the double-bed after the hurly-burly of the chaise-longue. – Mrs Patrick Campbell