

Thats how you get a performance – they put trust in you. – Richard Donner

I dont trust that many people. Just my mother and my wife and a couple of friends. When I trust people, it doesnt end well. – Gary Sheffield

Theres only a handful of people I trust completely, and I know who they are. Other than that, I pretty much dont trust people. – Anton Yelchin

I found it to be more challenging to be in a huge effects movie, because a lot of the things arent there.You have to trust the director and react to nothing. – Katie Holmes

From beginning to end I worried that Ang Lee wouldnt be satisfied with my work. So I worked as hard as I could to earn his trust, because you only get a chance like this once. – Zhang Ziyi

Theres a lot of trust being built up. I think we have a lot of work ahead of us. – Jacob Lew

David was the kind of guy who was totally supportive of the actors and instructed the writing staff to trust the actors instincts, since after all, its the actors playing the character. – William Devane

The first year I started in San Francisco, there was an American work on every program and theres been a lot of music by living composers and gradually that was part of the process of getting the audience really to trust me. – Michael Tilson Thomas

Now where people are – at least the people I talk to – they are focused on issues of trust. Accountability also comes up, to make sure that this doesnt happen again. – William P. Leahy

If its not done ethically, advertising wont be trusted. If consumers dont trust it, advertising is pointless. – Jef I. Richards

To say that you now trust the Russian military command and control system because some Russian general told you from the bottom of his heart thats the case, strikes me as most unrealistic. – William Odom

When I meet a couple, Im always interested to know if they have been together for a long time, or how loyal they are, because I know that will impact on how much Im prepared to trust them. – Richard E. Grant

I used to have trust with reporters. Give them scoops. Those were the old days. Its very strange, when you give a story and it doesnt come out the right way. – Joe Arpaio

The duty of responsibility placed on any MP is one of the greatest honours that can be bestowed and I for one dont believe the Conservative Party would abuse that trust by selecting someone who did not have the goods to do the job, just for the sake of media coverage. – Adam Rickitt

I just think that Ill never have plastic surgery if Im not in front of the camera. If you make your living selling this thing, which is the way you look, then maybe you do it. But trust me, the minute Im directing or producing and not starring, I would never even think of it. – Rebecca De Mornay

We have fun, we listen to one another, we challenge one another, we trust one another. Were doing what we enjoy, and were not just playing for each other, were playing for the people. – Benny Green

I almost always do things that I like, in some form or fashion. Every once in awhile that means that I dont think the script is any good and I dont have any trust in the people, but the film is shooting in Sri Lanka, or somewhere like that, so Im going. – Billy Campbell

I focus on the writing and let the rest of the process take care of itself. Ive learned to trust my own instincts and Ive also learned to take risks. – Sue Grafton

Theres good and bad everywhere in any aspect in life. The only people who we cant really trust are politicians. Because those guys lie to everybody and constantly. – Demian Bichir

Trust me, the only real way to understand Chic is in highfalutin terms. Our chord progressions were based on European modal melodies. I made those early Chic records to impress my jazz friends. – Nile Rodgers