

One of the mistakes I made was placing too much trust in Montesinos. – Alberto Fujimori

Our authorities leave us no doubt that the trust lodged with the oligarchy was sometimes abused, but it certainly ought not to be regarded as a mere usurpation or engine of tyranny. – Henry James Sumner Maine

I wanted to trust in my partners and the directors and producers and do the best I can to deliver what I could deliver. – Martin Lawrence

We have to have a way of dealing with this that engenders confidence, trust, gives us every chance of getting the right outcome and boosts both sustainability and economic return at the same time. – John Anderson

You can trust Charlie Crist. – Charlie Crist

A lot of time you write out of some unconscious place. I try to trust what is coming and where it wants to take me. – Sue Monk Kidd

The time I trust will come, perhaps within the lives of some of us, when the outline of this science will be clearly made out and generally recognised, when its nomenclature will be fixed, and its principles form a part of elementary instruction. – Nassau William Senior

I have complete artistic control, and I just do my best album every time and trust it to fate. – Susannah McCorkle

In any solid, good relationship, it takes a while to trust someone. – Minka Kelly

Having been given that public trust, we have a responsibility to share with the public. – Steven Squyres

If you are a reliable, honest journalist, sources will open up and trust you and share good information. – Wolf Blitzer

I trust my mum with anything. If I have a problem, my mum is always the first person I go to. – Richard Fleeshman

We should conceive of ourselves not as rulers of Earth, but as highly powerful, conscious stewards: The Earth is given to us in trust, and we can screw it up or make it work well and sustainably. – Kim Stanley Robinson

I trust my wife more than I trust myself. – Chris Paul

I got this idea about being afraid to let go of something and being afraid of sinking into a state of almost anesthesia, where you have to trust other people. Just the paranoia of it all. And it seemed to suit the frenetic track. So I just wrote it out and, you know, said it. – Nick Rhodes

Our citizens will lose their confidence or trust in the values and principles of the international community, especially if our personal identity is denied. – Boris Trajkovski

I therefore beg that you would indulge me with the liberty of declining the arduous trust. – Christopher Gadsden

My disposition as a human being is kind of a go-along-to-get-along person. I tend to trust authority. – Chris Hayes

We have an opportunity, but we have an obligation to senior citizens and to the younger people who are entering the workforce today to help ensure that they are going to be able to trust the government to have a workable program that benefits them as well. – Thad Cochran

Millions have been taken from me. If you are not on top of it and you make a lot of money, and you trust business managers, then, yes, money will be taken from you. – Stephanie Mills