

Before we had the kids, my husband and I were traveling a lot and working and really enjoying our lives and each other. We both love the theater and books and travel and so we were really having a lot of fun. – Patricia Heaton

I travel all over the country making speeches for people I believe in. – Ann Richards

The need for this clinic is clear to me, to the veterans who are currently forced to travel hours to receive care, and even to the Veterans Administration that itself identified creation of a clinic in this part of our state as a priority to be completed by 2006. – Doc Hastings

I wanted to have the opportunity to travel to Vietnam and Sydney, and have the chance to work there. – Brendan Fraser

The fact that people will pay you to talk to people and travel to interesting places and write about what intrigues you, I am just amazed by that. – Nicholas D. Kristof

I think that somebody with the resources and innovation and the idea is going to come out of nowhere and come up with a successful space travel program. – Kevin J. Anderson

We travel to learn and I have never been in any country where they did not do something better than we do it, think some thoughts better than we think, catch some inspiration from heights above our own. – Maria Mitchell

Until 1914 I loved to travel I often went to Italy and once spent a few months in India. Since then I have almost entirely abandoned travelling, and I have not been outside of Switzerland for over ten years. – Herman Hesse

My writing is a combination of three elements. The first is travel: not travel like a tourist, but travel as exploration. The second is reading literature on the subject. The third is reflection. – Ryszard Kapuscinski

We are going to sign a treaty with Mexico. We are competing internationally. We need another international airport for international cargo, international travel, international businesses. – Richard M. Daley

You know among people who kind of travel a lot and have exposure to the United States and some other countries, they do have accounts, but you know, Russia is not exactly the place with multiple language skills so local networks kind of have an edge. – Yuri Milner

When I had money in the past, I would always travel rather than spend it on big apartments or cars. And I still feel exactly the same way. – Robin Wright Penn

I think family is very important in West Virginia and has long been so because the mountains made travel difficult in the past, and family members had to depend on each other. – David Selby

Aviation – and space travel, in particular – have always been especially captivating. – Felix Baumgartner

I just travel all the time. And I was just looking at the schedules now and starting the first week of October I will be every weekend with somebody at tournaments through Christmas. So it gets very difficult to just go away and not do that. – Ivan Lendl

I sometimes skip meals when I travel. – Amy Smart

Travel aesthetics should be just as comfortable and practical as they are fashionable. – Miguel Jontel Pimentel

I photographed rocks and trees and tide pools and nudes and all that stuff for years and years. Until 20 years ago when I found that I could do it in the studio and never have to travel. – Kim Weston

You need to be an adrenalin junkie when you travel with kids. – Graeme Le Saux

I travel all the time, and I have two small children. – Hope Davis