

Everyone carries his own inch rule of taste, and amuse himself by applying it, triumphantly, wherever he travels. – Henry Adams

It is always self-defeating to pretend to the style of a generation younger than your own; it simply erases your own experience in history. – Renata Adler

Style is not neutral; it gives moral directions. – Martin Amis

What is exhilarating in bad taste is the aristocratic pleasure of giving offense. – Charles Baudelaire

Lovers of painting and lovers of music are people who openly display their preference like a delectable ailment that isolates them and makes them proud. – Maurice Blanchot

A mans palate can, in time, become accustomed to anything. – Napoleon Bonaparte

Bad taste is a species of bad morals. – Christian Nevell Bovee

Between good sense and good taste there lies the difference between a cause and its effect. – Jean De La Bruyere

People care more about being thought to have taste than about being thought either good, clever or amiable. – Samuel Butler

A style does not go out of style as long as it adapts itself to its period. When there is an incompatibility between the style and a certain state of mind, it is never the style that triumphs. – Coco Chanel

Without taste genius is only a sublime kind of folly. That sure touch which the lyre gives back the right note and nothing more, is even a rarer gift than the creative faculty itself. – Vicomte De Chateaubriand

Style is the dress of thoughts; and let them be ever so just, if your style is homely, coarse, and vulgar, they will appear to as much disadvantage, and be as ill received, as your person, though ever so well-proportioned, would if dressed in rags, dirt, and tatters. – Lord Chesterfield

The aim of life is appreciation; there is no sense in not appreciating things; and there is no sense in having more of them if you have less appreciation of them. – G. K. Chesterton

Style is a simple way of saying complicated things. – Jean Cocteau

No taste is so acquired as that for someone elses quality of mind. – Cyril Connolly

Every orientation presupposes a disorientation. – Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Taste is the feminine of genius. – Lord Edward Fitzgerald

Style is the image of character. – Edward Gibbon