
Sports :: Tennis

Victory is fleeting. Losing is forever. – Billy Jean King

Tennis can be a grind and theres always the danger of going stale if you think about it too much. You can get embittered if you train too hard and have nothing else on your mind. You have to be able to relax between matches and between tournaments. – Maureen Connolly

One day you can be a kid, but another day you have to be like this is your job, you play tennis. You have to work for that. – Martina Hingis

Experience is a great advantage. The problem is that when you get the experience, youre too damned old to do anything about it. – Jimmy Connors

But why should I read what somebody else thinks of my life when I know the real story? – Jimmy Connors

I hate to lose more than I love to win. – Jimmy Connors

People say Im around because I have a lot of heart, but I know all the heart in the world couldnt have helped me if I wasnt physically fit. – Jimmy Connors

Tennis was never work for me, tennis was fun. And the tougher the battle and the longer the match, the more fun I had. – Jimmy Connors

I am amazed, not only by the beauty of Rogers game, but also the consistency of his tournament wins. Even more amazing is the fact that he seems to love what he is doing and he handles the pressure so well. Roger is a great champion and ambassador for our sport. – John McEnroe

What is the single most important quality in a tennis champion? I would have to say desire, staying in there and winning matches when you are not playing that well. – John McEnroe

The moment of victory is much too short to live for that and nothing else. – Martina Navratilova

I let my racket do the talking. Thats what I am all about, really. I just go out and win tennis matches. – Pete Sampras