
Speech (freedom of)

A people which is able to say everything becomes able to do everything. – Napoleon Bonaparte

Free speech is about as good as cause as the world has ever known. But, like the poor, it is always with us and gets shoved aside in favour of things which seem at some given moment more vital. – Heywood Broun

We must bring ourselves to realize that it is necessary to support free speech for the things we hate in order to ensure it for the things in which we believe with all our heart. – Heywood Broun

The great and invigorating influences in American life have been the unorthodox: the people who challenge an existing institution of way of life, or say and so things that make people think. – William O. Douglas

The primacy of the word, basis of the human psyche, that has in our age been used for mind-bending persuasion and brain-washing pulp, disgraced by Gobbles and debased by advertising copy, remains a force for freedom that flies out between all bars. – Nadine Gordimer

We hear about constitutional rights, free speech and the free press. Every time I hear those words I say to myself, That man is a Red, that man is a Communist. You never heard a real American talk in that manner. – Frank Hague

Speech is conveniently located midway between thought and action, where it often substitutes for both. – John Andrew Holmes

The very aim and end of our institutions is just this: that we may thing what we like and say what we think. – Oliver Wendell Holmes

The liberty of the press is the Palladium of all the civil, political, and religious rights of an Englishman. – Junius

The freedom of the press works in such a way that there is not much freedom from it. – Grace (Patricia) Kelly

Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties. – John Milton

The only way to make sure people you agree with can speak is to support the rights of people you dont agree with. – Eleanor Holmes Norton

Marks on paper are free — free speech — press — pictures all go together I suppose. – Georgia OKeeffe

Free speech is intended to protect the controversial and even outrageous word; and not just comforting platitudes too mundane to need protection. – Colin Powell

Free speech is the whole thing, the whole ball game. Free speech is life itself. – Salman Rushdie