

There is safety in reserve, but no attraction. One cannot love a reserved person. – Jane Austen

The bashful are always aggressive at heart. – Charles Horton Cooley

What difference is there between us, save a restless dream that follows my soul but fears to come near you? – Kahlil Gibran

Shyness is just egotism out of its depth. – Penelope Keith

Happiness hates the timid! So does science! – Eugene ONeill

Timidity is a fault for which it is dangerous to reprove persons whom we wish to correct of it. – Francois de la Rochefoucauld

Shy and proud men are more liable than any others to fall into the hands of parasites and creatures of low character. For in the intimacies which are formed by shy men, they do not choose, but are chosen. – Sir Henry Taylor

It is only through timidity that states are lost. – Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet)