

Man proposes, woman forecloses. – Minna Antrim

Sensual pleasures are like soap bubbles, sparkling, effervescent. The pleasures of intellect are calm, beautiful, sublime, ever enduring and climbing upward to the borders of the unseen world. – John H. Aughey

The body of a sensualist is the coffin of a dead soul. – Christian Nevell Bovee

I should like to know who has been carried off, except poor dear me — I have been more ravished myself than anybody since the Trojan war. – Lord (George Gordon) Byron

A gentleman doesnt pounce he glides. If a woman sits on a piece of furniture which permits your sitting beside her, you are free to regard this as an invitation, though not an unequivocal one. – Quentin Crisp

Seduction is often difficult to distinguish from rape. In seduction, the rapist often bothers to buy a bottle of wine. – Andrea Dworkin

When lovely woman stoops to folly, and finds too late that men betray, what charm can soothe her melancholy, what art can wash her guilt away? – Oliver Goldsmith

Weep not for little Leonie, abducted by a French Marquis. Though loss of honor was a wrench, just think how its improved her French. – Harry Graham

You have to penetrate a womans defenses. Getting into her head is a prerequisite to getting into her body. – Bob Guccione

The trouble with Ian is that he gets off with women because he cant get on with them. – Rosamond Lehman

Pursuit and seduction are the essence of sexuality. Its part of the sizzle. – Camille Anna Paglia

If sensuality were happiness, beasts were happier than men; but human felicity is lodged in the soul, not in the flesh. – Seneca (Seneca the Elder)

Shes beautiful, and therefore to be wooed; She is a woman, therefore to be won. – William Shakespeare

I have never known a man who was sensual in his youth, who was high-minded when old. – Charles Sumner

Human brutes, like other beasts, find snares and poison in the provision of life, and are allured by their appetites to their destruction. – Jonathan Swift

When a woman wants a man and lusts after him, the lover need not bother to conjure up opportunities, for she will find more in an hour than we men could think of in a century. – Source Unknown