
Science Fiction

I was twelve when I read my first sf magazine – Philip K. Dick

The fancy that extraterrestrial life is by definition of a higher order than our own is one that soothes all children, and many writers. – Joan Didion

In sci-fi convention, life-forms that hadnt developed space travel were mere prehistory — horse-shoe crabs of the cosmic scene — and something of the humiliation of being stuck on a provincial planet in a galactic backwater has stayed with me ever since. – Barbara Ehrenreich

Where everything is possible miracles become commonplaces, but the familiar ceases to be self-evident. – Eric Hoffer

Science fiction is not predictive; it is descriptive. – Ursula K. LeGuin

I have been a soreheaded occupant of a file drawer labeled Science Fiction and I would like out, particularly since so many serious critics regularly mistake the drawer for a urinal. – Kurt Vonnegut