

A man, as a general rule, owes very little to what he is born with — a man is what he makes of himself. – Alexander Graham Bell

Bear one anothers burdens. – Bible

Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required. Luke 12:48 – Bible

No one will improve your lot if you do not yourself. – Bertolt Brecht

If people concentrated on their responsibilities, others would have their rights. – Stuart Briscoe

You take on the responsibility for making your dream a reality. – Les Brown

Accept the consequences of your actions in order to become the agent of your mental, physical, spiritual and material success. – Les Brown

The important thing is to concentrate upon what you can do — by yourself, upon your own initiative. – Harry Browne

All men, if they work not as in the great taskmasters eye, will work wrong, and work unhappily for themselves and for you. – Thomas Carlyle

An individual without information cant take responsibility. An individual with information cant help but take responsibility. – Jan Carlzon

To what extent is any given man morally responsible for any given act? We do not know. – Alexis Carrel