

Youre always going to have extremists in every religion. – King Abdullah II

Catholicism is not a soothing religion. Its a painful religion. Were all gluttons for punishment. – Madonna Ciccone

I think peoples perception of a rich girl is literal, but metaphorically I embrace it as being rich in love, spirit, joy and religion. So its not about money. – Angie Stone

I just hate one-dimensional portrayals of religion its too cheap and easy to do, and ignores the nuances that go into having a belief system. – Vera Farmiga

Were all sick of holy wars and bloodshed because religion is supposed to give us life and a better life and is supposed to bring out our best self. When it results in mass destruction and hatred and anxiety, its the antithesis I think of what religion was designed to do. – Vera Farmiga

I do not find it easy to articulate thoughts about religion. I remain the sort of person who turns off Thought for the Day when it comes on the radio. – A. N. Wilson

I think we have to believe in things we dont see. Thats really important for all of us, whether its your religion or Santa Claus, or whatever. Thats pretty much what its about. – James Caan

People still kill in the name of religion. We havent evolved to the point where were one tribe called humans. – Rachel Weisz

Intolerance respecting other peoples religion is toleration itself in comparison with intolerance respecting other peoples art. – Wallace Stevens

Theres no reason to bring religion into it. I think we ought to have as great a regard for religion as we can, so as to keep it out of as many things as possible. – Sean OCasey

I think I like big issues, but I dont believe in God or religion. – Damien Hirst

But I remember the moment when my father died. I wasnt a very committed Catholic beforehand, but when that happened it suddenly all felt so obvious: I now believe religion is our attempt to find an explanation, for us to feel more protected. – Javier Bardem

I grew up with the religion of Star Wars, frankly. Thats when I realized there is something bigger out there… and its called The Force. – Trey Parker

Most people I know are not hard-core religious people. They are what I would call lightly religious. So I dont buy the notion that we cant laugh about religion in America. – Trey Parker

I love it when the left and when the president say, Dont try to impose your values on us, you folks who hold your Bibles in your hand and cling to your guns. They have values too. Our values are based on religion, based on life. Their values are based on a religion of self. – Rick Santorum

Im just confused as to where we lost that in America because it is everyones God-given right to think the way they think and thats fine. Thats why our ancestors came here to America, to believe what they want, pray how they want and follow a religion with whoever they want. – Angie Harmon

I did an album a long time ago called Replicas, which was entirely science-fiction driven, or science-fantasy. Since then its been a song here, a song there. Its not really a constant theme. Ive written far more about my problems with religion, with God and all that. – Gary Numan

After I left the convent, for 15 years I was worn out with religion, I wanted nothing whatever to do with it. I felt disgusted with it. If I saw someone reading a religious book on a train, Id think, how awful. – Karen Armstrong

Religion is a search for transcendence. But transcendence isnt necessarily sited in an external god, which can be a very unspiritual, unreligious concept. – Karen Armstrong

When asked if I consider myself Buddhist, the answer is, Not really. But its more my religion than any other because I was brought up with it in an intellectual and spiritual environment. I dont practice or preach it, however. – Uma Thurman