

When state and religion are one, religion becomes a means for the powerful to remain in power. – Walter Jon Williams

The American Indian was an individualist in religion as in war. He had neither a national army nor an organized church. – Charles Eastman

In every religion there is an element of the supernatural, varying with the influence of pure reason over its devotees. – Charles Eastman

I subscribe to no religion. But I believe that in the creation of art, there can be moments of God. – Andrea Riseborough

I think the real problem for American religion are those minority of fundamentalists who try to identify political policies with religion. – Andrew Greeley

Practically speaking, your religion is the story you tell about your life. – Andrew Greeley

Well, religion has been passed down through the years by stories people tell around the campfire. Stories about God, stories about love. Stories about good spirits and evil spirits. – Andrew Greeley

History is the key to everything: politics, religion, even fashion. – Eva Herzigova

It is the sincere desire of the writer that our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct republican principles is the bible, particularly the New Testament or the Christian religion. – Noah Webster

The Coptic Church respects the law but it does not accept rulings that go against the Bible and our freedom of religion. – Pope Shenouda III

I do engineering, not religion. – Daniel J. Bernstein

Art and Religion are, then, two roads by which men escape from circumstance to ecstasy. Between aesthetic and religious rapture there is a family alliance. Art and Religion are means to similar states of mind. – Clive Bell

If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him as less of an insult than religion. – Edmond de Goncourt

My religion lies in my composition. – John Philip Sousa

The basic assumption of the secular society is that modernity overcomes religion. – Ulrich Beck

The arts and a belief in the values of the civil rights movement, in the overwhelming virtue of diversity, these were our religion. My parents worshipped those ideals. – Jonathan Lethem

I believe every religion captures a piece of the truth. – James Van Der Beek

There is a holy, mistaken zeal in politics, as well as in religion. By persuading others, we convince ourselves. – Junius

Wars have always started over religion. – Glenn Danzig

The artist himself may not think he is religious, but if he is sincere his sincerity in itself is religion. – Emily Carr