

Religion is not a department of life it is something that enters into the whole of it. – Alan Watts

But even in the Christian religion, much of its real meaning is hidden by words that are misleading and symbols that but few understand. – Ernest Holmes

The difference between a saint and a hypocrite is that one lies for his religion, the other by it. – Minna Antrim

So potent was religion in persuading to evil deeds. – Lucretius

Religion is the state of being grasped by an ultimate concern, a concern which qualifies all other concerns as preliminary and which itself contains the answer to the question of a meaning of our life. – Paul Tillich

Joy in the universe, and keen curiosity about it all – that has been my religion. – John Burroughs

The main object of religion is not to get a man into heaven, but to get heaven into him. – Thomas Hardy

True character arises from a deeper well than religion. – E. O. Wilson

Science and religion are the two most powerful forces in the world. Having them at odds… is not productive. – E. O. Wilson

I see no way out of the problems that organized religion and tribalism create other than humans just becoming more honest and fully aware of themselves. – E. O. Wilson

If you want to move people, you look for a point of sensitivity, and in Egypt nothing moves people as much as religion. – Naguib Mahfouz

All too many Muslims fail to grasp Islam, which teaches one to be lenient towards others and to understand their value systems, knowing that these are tolerated by Islam as a religion. – Abdurrahman Wahid

Disturbances in society are never more fearful than when those who are stirring up the trouble can use the pretext of religion to mask their true designs. – Denis Diderot

He, however, who begins with Metaphysics, will not only become confused in matters of religion, but will fall into complete infidelity. – Maimonides

For that again, is what all manner of religion essentially is: childish dependency. – Albert Ellis

Wealth, religion, military victory have more rhetorical than efficacious worth. – George Santayana

There is no cure for the pride of a virtuous nation but pure religion. – Reinhold Niebuhr

There is a heroism in crime as well as in virtue. Vice and infamy have their altars and their religion. – William Hazlitt

Such are the heights of wickedness to which men are driven by religion. – Lucretius

The Christian religion not only was at first attended with miracles, but even at this day cannot be believed by any reasonable person without one. – David Hume