

What it comes down to is this: the grocer, the butcher, the baker, the merchant, the landlord, the druggist, the liquor dealer, the policeman, the doctor, the city father and the politician — these are the people who make money out of prostitution, these are the real reapers of the wages of sin. – Polly Adler

The whore is despised by the hypocritical world because she has made a realistic assessment of her assets and does not have to rely on fraud to make a living. In an area of human relations where fraud is regular practice between the sexes, her honesty is regarded with a mocking wonder. – Angela Carter

Actually, if my business was legitimate, I would deduct a substantial percentage for depreciation of my body. – Xaviera Hollander

Punishing the prostitute promotes the rape of all women. When prostitution is a crime, the message conveyed is that women who are sexual are bad, and therefore legitimate victims of sexual assault. Sex becomes a weapon to be used by men. – Margo St. James

If a woman hasnt got a tiny streak of a harlot in her, shes a dry stick as a rule. – D. H. (David Herbert) Lawrence

If courtesans and strumpets were to be prosecuted with as much rigor as some silly people would have it, what locks or bars would be sufficient to preserve the honor of our wives and daughters? – Bernard Mandeville

Prostitution, when unmotivated by economic need, might well be defined as a species of psychological addiction, built on self-hatred through repetitions of the act of sale by which a whore is defined. – Kate Millet

The prostitute is not, as feminists claim, the victim of men but rather their conqueror, an outlaw who controls the sexual channel between nature and culture. – Camille Anna Paglia

There is no more defiant denial of one mans ability to possess one woman exclusively than the prostitute who refuses to redeemed. – Gail Sheehy

So do not think of helpful whores as aberrational blots; I could not love you half so well without my practice shots. – James Stewart Alexander Simmons