

Civilization rests on a set of promises; if the promises are broken too often, the civilization dies, no matter how rich it may be, or how mechanically clever. Hope and faith depend on the promises; if hope and faith go, everything goes. – Herbert Agar

Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future. – Hannah Arendt

Every organization of men, be it social or political, ultimately relies on mans capacity for making promises and keeping them. – Hannah Arendt

When a man takes an oath…,hes holding his ownself in his own hands. Like water. And if he opens his fingers then- he neednt hope to find himself again. – Robert Bolt

If you wish to be success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing. – Napoleon Bonaparte

The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday –but never jam today. – Lewis Carroll

It is better to run the risk of being considered indecisive, better to be uncertain and not promise, than to promise and not fulfill. – Oswald Chambers

He is poor indeed that can promise nothing. – Thomas Fuller

Vows are made in storms and forgotten in calm weather. – Thomas Fuller

A vow is fixed and unalterable determination to do a thing, when such a determination is related to something noble which can only uplift the man who makes the resolve. – Mahatma Gandhi

Your capacity to keep your vow will depend on the purity of your life. – Mahatma Gandhi

Personally, I hold that a man, who deliberately and intelligently takes a pledge and then breaks it, forfeits his manhood. – Mahatma Gandhi