

What is an expert? Someone who is twenty miles from home. – Proverb

America has always been a country of amateurs where the professional, that is to say, the man who claims authority as a member of an ?lite which knows the law in some field or other, is an object of distrust and resentment. – W. H. Auden

I hold every man a debtor to his profession. – Francis Bacon

The public do not know enough to be experts, but know enough to decide between them. – Samuel Butler

A professional is someone who can do his best work when he doesnt feel like it. – Alistair Cooke

What a delightful thing is the conversation of specialists! One understands absolutely nothing and its charming. – Edgar Degas

A specialist is a person who fears the other subjects. – Martin H. Fisher

Whats an expert? I read somewhere, that the more a man knows, the more he knows, he doesnt know. So I suppose one definition of an expert would be someone who doesnt admit out loud that he knows enough about a subject to know he doesnt really know how much. – Malcolm Stevenson Forbes

We forget that the most successful statesmen have been professionals. Lincoln was a professional politician. – Felix Frankfurter

Through all the employments of life each neighbor abuses his brother; whore and rogue they call husband and wife: All professions be-rogue one another. – John Gay

Always listen to experts. Theyll tell you what cant be done and why. Then do it. – Robert A. Heinlein

Do not be bullied out of your common sense by the specialist; two to one, he is a pedant. – Oliver Wendell Holmes

An expert is someone who knows a lot about the past. – Tom Hopkins

One who limits himself to his chosen mode of ignorance. – Elbert Hubbard

This world is run by people who know how to do things. They know how things work. They are equipped. Up there, theres a layer of people who run everything. But we –were just peasants. We dont understand whats going on, and we cant do anything. – Doris Lessing

We have not overthrown the divine right of kings to fall down for the divine right of experts. – Harold MacMillan

There is nothing an economist should fear so much as applause. – Herbert Marshall

The more the world is specialized the more it will be run by generalists. – Marcel Masse