

The only peace is being out of earshot. – Mason Cooley

Our object should be peace within, and peace without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial friendly relations with our immediate neighbours and with the world at large. – Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Peace, above all things, is to be desired, but blood must sometimes be spilled to obtain it on equable and lasting terms. – Andrew Jackson

A State in the grip of neo-colonialism is not master of its own destiny. It is this factor which makes neo-colonialism such a serious threat to world peace. – Kwame Nkrumah

To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire and where they make a wilderness, they call it peace. – Tacitus

They may call me a sinner, but I am at peace with myself. – Brigitte Bardot

God is day and night, winter and summer, war and peace, surfeit and hunger. – Heraclitus

War is to man what maternity is to a woman. From a philosophical and doctrinal viewpoint, I do not believe in perpetual peace. – Benito Mussolini

If there is to be peace in our industrial life let the employer recognize his obligation to his employees – at least to the degree set forth in existing statutes. – John L. Lewis

The minute you got the Nobel Peace Prize, things that I said yesterday, with nobody paying too much attention, I say the same things after I got it – oh! It was quite crucial for people, and it helped our morale because apartheid did look invincible. – Desmond Tutu

Neutrality is a negative word. It does not express what America ought to feel. We are not trying to keep out of trouble we are trying to preserve the foundations on which peace may be rebuilt. – Woodrow Wilson

Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air. – Georges Bernanos

Never for the sake of peace and quiet deny your convictions. – Dag Hammarskjold

I had daydreams and fantasies when I was growing up. I always wanted to live in a log cabin at the foot of a mountain. I would ride my horse to town and pick up provisions. Then return to the cabin, with a big open fire, a record player and peace. – Linda McCartney

There is a criterion by which you can judge whether the thoughts you are thinking and the things you are doing are right for you. The criterion is: Have they brought you inner peace? – Peace Pilgrim

As this long and difficult war ends, I would like to address a few special words to the American people: Your steadfastness in supporting our insistence on peace with honor has made peace with honor possible. – Richard M. Nixon

Loud peace propaganda makes war seem imminent. – David Herbert Lawrence

Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life. It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them. – Thomas Kinkade

For peace is not mere absence of war, but is a virtue that springs from, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice. – Baruch Spinoza

None of the abstract concepts comes closer to fulfilled utopia than that of eternal peace. – Theodor Adorno