

In my mind the city of Ariel is a thorn in Israels side and a serious obstacle to peace. – Theodore Bikel

Im at a point in my life where I have something solid now. Im a peaceful person, and I want to be surrounded by peace no matter what Im doing. – Cheryl James

Israel cant make peace without the clear support of the United States. – Alan Dershowitz

I am deeply concerned that, without peace and a two-state solution, the Jewish and democratic nature of Israel is in danger. Thats why I have opposed Israels settlement policy since 1973, and thats why I have favored a two-state solution since 1967. – Alan Dershowitz

Deregulation created this epidemic of greed which according to the rules of capitalism was OK. Beyond that there was criminal behaviour. There have been no repercussions and its hard to make your peace with. – Brad Pitt

Even though now Im pretty popular in my country and tennis is the No. 1 sport, and Im very flattered that the people recognise me and come up and give me compliments, Im more a person who likes to have privacy and peace. – Novak Djokovic

Its well known Im a Scientologist, and that has helped me to find that inner peace in my life and its something that has given me great stability and tools that I use. – Tom Cruise

Most people go, I wish for world peace. But chaos has a place in balancing out the light and the dark in the world. I dont know if I would wish for world peace. – Brendan Fraser

Ive always been proud that my name stands for peace. – Paloma Picasso

A decision once taken brings peace to a mans mind and eases his soul. – Mika Waltari

The Peace Corps is a sort of Howard Johnsons on the main drag into maturity. – Paul Theroux

When I was in the Peace Corps I never made a phone call. I was in Central Africa I didnt make a phone call for two years. I was in Uganda for another four years and I didnt make a phone call. So for six years I didnt make a phone call, but I wrote letters, I wrote short stories, I wrote books. – Paul Theroux

If you do your research on hot springs all over the world, theyre usually places of peace. People, even in warring nations and so forth, theyll go and live in peace together around the hot springs, which were always considered medicinal. I firmly believe in water therapy. – Larry Hagman

The World Trade Center is a living symbol of mans dedication to world peace… a representation of mans belief in humanity, his need for individual dignity, his beliefs in the cooperation of men, and, through cooperation, his ability to find greatness. – Minoru Yamasaki

The Peace Corps is guilty of enthusiasm and a crusading spirit. But were not apologetic about it. – Sargent Shriver

I just cant seem to write songs about peace and love. Yeah right, how do you get that? – Siobhan Fahey

All my life Ive taken photographs of people who are completely at peace being what they were in the situations I photographed them in. – Jock Sturges

You can set up whatever negotiations or structure you want, but until the Palestinians are willing to accept the fact, as the majority of Israelis do, that there should be two states between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, we wont have peace. – Charles Schumer

Military hardliners called me a security threat for promoting peace in South Asia and for supporting a broad-based government in Afghanistan. – Benazir Bhutto

I pray daily… for peace. – Paul ONeill