

We remain at peace with all nations, and no efforts on my part consistent with the preservation of our rights and the honor of the country shall be spared to maintain a position so consonant to our institutions. – Martin Van Buren

I cannot imagine any writer who would not fight for his peace and quiet. – Wislawa Szymborska

Vegetarianism is a link to perfection and peace. – River Phoenix

I am President of the UN created University for Peace, which has a strong commitment to the relationship between peace, security and the environment. I meet with young people around the world and I always come away enthused and encouraged. – Maurice Strong

One little person, giving all of her time to peace, makes news. Many people, giving some of their time, can make history. – Peace Pilgrim

And I have lived since – as you have – in a period of cold war, during which we have ensured by our achievements in the science and technology of destruction that a third act in this tragedy of war will result in the peace of extinction. – Lester B. Pearson

As for the promotion of peace congresses we have had our meetings and assemblies, but the promotion through them of the determined and effective will to peace displaying itself in action and policy remains to be achieved. – Lester B. Pearson

I cannot think of anything more difficult than to say something which would be worthy of this impressive and, for me, memorable occasion, and of the ideals and purposes which inspired the Nobel Peace Award. – Lester B. Pearson

It would be especially tragic if the people who most cherish ideals of peace, who are most anxious for political cooperation on a wider than national scale, made the mistake of underestimating the pace of economic change in our modern world. – Lester B. Pearson

The choice, however, is as clear now for nations as it was once for the individual: peace or extinction. – Lester B. Pearson

I would like to end world hunger and create world peace, stop corruption, stop drugs getting to kids. – Kelly Preston

Peace without justice is tyranny. – William Allen White

I think that this is the first war in history that on the morrow the victors sued for peace and the vanquished called for unconditional surrender. – Abba Eban

I fought for peace in the fifties. – Pete Seeger

Capitalism is war socialism is peace. – Karl Liebknecht

Peace in the head, peace in the stomach. – Jean-Bertrand Aristide

Wars begin in the minds of men, and in those minds, love and compassion would have built the defenses of peace. – U Thant

We can only move to a long-term resolution regarding terrorism and war by planting seeds of peace. We have to start with ourselves. – Peter Yarrow

Modern society, based as it is on the division of labor, can be preserved only under conditions of lasting peace. – Ludwig von Mises

Whoever wants peace among nations must seek to limit the state and its influence most strictly. – Ludwig von Mises